OBD18X6 20,30,40,50,60 Oil Pourer Decal




Item: OBD18X6 Pourer Decal.  Decal is a 2 part kit. Apply to all black, red or light blue painted top tin or plastic. 6 x Esso oval, 6 x grade

***Please note extra layouts attached show what kit looks like on different coloured tops. These are NOT a full wrap decal with coloured background***

Suits: Oil Bottle tin tops

Material: Printed Vinyl 

Size: 6 x PD170C Esso oval 60mm X 40mm, 6 x grade 22mm x15mm   overall 60mm x 80mm

Ordering: Phone – 07 5482 1400 to place an order payment via credit card (usually same day despatch) bank deposit.

Ordering: email – via the contact form we can then email back an invoice to approve and pay via above methods.